The Field Development Planning Toolbox

Trainer(s): David Brindle
Duration: Variable, tailored to client's requirements

This course is aimed at pulling together the work of the all the technical specialists involved in oil/gas field development, both subsurface and surface, to realize the full value of a truly integrated Field Development Plan. It is assumed that each participant (geologist, reservoir engineer, well engineer, facilities engineer, cost engineer etc.) is an expert in their own discipline and wants to learn how to work more effectively in a team. All the courses are therefore of interest to all disciplines. Experience shows that the courses work much better with a mix of discipline staff in the room.

The full course comprises the modules listed below, which can also be taught separately at key points in the Field Development Plan process. They can also be given as ‘Peer Assist’ workshops, working with a project team using their data to help them frame their opportunity or select their concept. Many teams struggle at the point where they are required to integrate their discipline work and a short workshop is a very effective way in helping them move forward.

The length of the modules is indicative and can be tailored to the wishes of the customer. Ideally the modules should be taken in the following sequence:

  1. Opportunity Framing
  2. Risk Assessment and Management
  3. Technical Assurance and Quality Control
  4. Concept Identification
  5. Contracting Strategy
  6. Cost Estimation and Economics
  7. Concept Selection
  8. Contracting Tactics

The modules can be compressed into 5 days for a lighter version of the toolbox. A 5 day course still covers a very wide scope and will not go into detail or data, but would serve as a good introduction to the Development Planning process,


  1. Opportunity Framing: 2 Days

To align a project team at the start of a development, and make sure that team members, decision makers and stakeholders have the same understanding of the aim, constraints and options for the project. Deliverables are:

               - Opportunity Statement

               - Value Drivers

               - Stakeholders

               - Risks and Opportunities

               - Roadmap


  1. Risk Assessment and Management: 1Day

To learn how to manage risks and opportunities during all phases of the opportunity lifecycle. Deliverables are:

               - Risk Assessment

               - Risk Register

               - Risk Management Process

               - Updating the Risk Assessment during the project lifecycle


  1. Technical Assurance and Quality Control: 1Day

To ensure project team staff are qualified for the work they do and that all work is checked to prevent mistakes. Deliverables are:

               - Key Deliverables

               - Write/Check/Approve

               - Quality Plan

               - Individual Competence

               - Technical Authority Levels

               - Ensuring Quality of Key Deliverables


  1. Concept Identification: 2 Days

To ensure that all possible technical concepts are identified, to show the range of outcomes for a range of subsurface uncertainties and determine feasibility of the project. Deliverables are:

               - Subsurface uncertainties

               - Uncertainty range and realizations

               - Surface decisions

               - Decision options

               - Screening criteria

               - Feasibility


  1. Contracting Strategy: 2 Days

To determine what project scope will be contracted out, how the contracts will be bundled, the project management organization and the management of contract interfaces. Deliverables are:

               - Activity matrix for the project

               - Alternative strategies and SWOT analysis

               - Proposed strategy, management and interfaces

               - List of contracts to be tendered and their value


  1. Cost Estimation and Economics: 1 Day

To build an estimate of the project costs, understand the range of cost uncertainty, and screen and rank the project economics against company financial targets. Deliverables and input are:

               - Cost Data required

               - Cost Estimate buildup

               - Contingency, accuracy band, project management

               - Economic indicators: NPV, Payback, Cash Sink

               - Screening against company targets

               - Ranking in Portfolio

               - Robustness against uncertainties


  1. Concept Selection: 2 Days

To compare a shortlist of concepts, select the preferred concept and assess the robustness of the preferred concept in the face of the remaining subsurface uncertainties. Deliverables are:

               - Decision Criteria

               - Decision Quality for each Key Decision

               - The Preferred Concept

               - ‘What if’ analysis for remaining uncertainties

               - List of supporting decisions for later


  1. Contract Tactics: 2 Days

To review the contracting market capabilities, both local and overseas, and decide how to tender, award, reimburse, and manage each contract scope. Deliverables are:

               - Market Analysis

               - Contractor/Client view of each scope

               - Tender Tactics for each contract

               - Payment Schedule and Incentives

               - Local Content

               - Contracting Activity Plan